Heilberger, Dennis Robert - S 727
Lester, Cynthia Klyve - S 727
Mack, Carl Adam - S 170
Proctor, Richard J. - S 727
Robertson, John A. - S 170
Smith, James M. - S 728
Stafford, Harold E. - S 170
potter, calvin Potter, Calvin
Resigned effective 6/8/98. Represented 9th Senate district. (Appointed assistant state superintendent of the Division of libraries and community learning) - S 732
president of the senate President of the Senate
Risser, Fred A.: elected - S 2
Resignation - S 595
Rude, Brian D.: elected - S 589
president pro tempore of the senate President pro tempore of the Senate
Lasee, Alan: elected - S 589
Moore, Gwendolynne: elected - S 2
Resignation - S 595
reports to the legislature Reports to the Legislature
administration, department of Administration, Department of
Comprehensive annual financial report - A 543
Contractual services purchasing report - A 618; S 82, 476
EdVest Wisconsin annual report - A 998
Environmental improvement fund program - A 984
Federal/state cooperation - A 53, 170, 253, 444, 579, 944, 976, 998
Federal/state cooperation - S 168, 247, 363, 449, 725, 769, 801
Fund conditions and operations (budgetary basis) - S 302
Minority business report - S 9
Small business, veteran-owned and minority business opportunities,
Council on: annual report - A 15; S 9, 246
Temporary reallocation of balances - A 28, 82, 97, 145, 195, 219, 236, 296, 371, 445, 469, 958, 965, 974, 980, 998, 1004
Temporary reallocation of balances - S 26, 91, 111, 154, 174, 204, 227, 246, 276, 306, 363, 382, 740, 765, 773, 801
Wisconsin gasohol and alternative fuel use report - A 134, 920; S 128, 635
administrative rules, joint committee for review of Administrative rules, Joint committee for review of
Emergency rules report re 1997 WisAct 185 - S 733
agriculture, trade and consumer protection, department of Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, Department of
County and district fairs: annual report - A 129
Environmental assessments and impact statements - A 263, 978
Environmental assessments and impact statements - S 259, 771, 775
Farmland preservation program - A 54; S 61
child abuse and neglect prevention board Child abuse and neglect prevention board
Right from the start program evaluation - A 14; S 11
Claims board, for listing of claims, see journal subject: Claims board
12/18/96 - S 4
5/1/97 - A 146; S 149
9/3/97 - A 264; S 260
11/3/97 - A 422; S 333
3/4/98 - A 624; S 489
5/14/98 - A 940; S 722
9/16/98 - S 776
commerce, department of Commerce, Department of
Construction site erosion and sediment control - A 919; S 648
Impact statement issuance - A 320, 986; S 287, 790
Industrial revenue bond financing: annual report - A 451, 919; S 366, 648
Recycling market development reports - A 970, 1003; S 804
Rental weatherization program - A 231, 920; S 218, 713
State agency report re claims in which attorney fees have been paid
 - A 237; S 230
corrections, department of Corrections, Department of
Prison industries: annual report - A 233, 964; S 223, 750
Prison industries: quarterly report - A 233, 446, 563, 924
Prison industries: quarterly report - S 224, 363, 434, 692
Report of claims under 227.485 and 814.245, Wis.Stats. - A 230, 964
Report of claims under 227.485 and 814.245, Wis.Stats. - S 221, 750
Report pursuant to 301.03 (6m), Wis.Stats. - A 68, 543; S 64, 427
Violent prisoners report - A 116, 794; S 124, 580
education commission of the states Education commission of the states
Annual report - A 53, 444, 1000; S 14, 366, 801
Bylaws with amendments - A 53, 444, 1000;; S 14, 366, 801
Education agenda - A 53, 444, 1000; S 14, 366, 801
Highlights - A 53, 444, 1000; S 14, 366, 801
educational approval board Educational approval board
Obsolete or antiquated statutes - A 957; S 744
educational communications board Educational communications board
Public broadcasting, Commission on: report - A 948; S 735
employe trust funds, department of Employe trust funds, Department of
Comprehensive annual financial report - A 254; S 15
employment relations, department of Employment relations, Department of
AFDC recipients: employment of - A 563, 788; S 436
Affirmative action, Division of: annual report - A 53; S 14, 386
Affirmative action report - A 28, 468; S 9, 382
Comprehensive annual financial report - A 987
State employment options (SEO): annual report - S 82
Strategic plan - A 985
Summer affirmative action intern program - A 1001
Veterans employment report - A 229, 231; S 223
W-2 mentoring guidelines - A 958, 987
W-2 program: report on employment of customers - A 1003
Written hiring reasons report - A 572; S 442
ethics board Ethics board
Activities report - A 451, 1001; S 307
financial institutions, department of Financial institutions, Department of